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Websocket Connection

Websockets are used to receive real-time updates from the Blink API.
Implemented using the GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol

Available Websocket Events

  • myUpdates
  • lnInvoicePaymentStatus
  • realtimePrice
  • price

Websocket Endpoint


Apollo Playground

To try the subscriptions and explore the schema use the
Apollo Playground for Blink subscriptions

After loading the playground:

  • open the SANDBOX connection settings and set:
    wss:// as the Subscriptions URL then Save.

  • add the X-API-KEY header with your API key from the
    Blink Dashboard to authenticate the connection.


Try the websocket connection examples in the Galoy API collection

To use the raw websocket protocol in Postman there are a few steps to follow:

Header to Use

  • Define the protocol
    Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: graphql-transport-ws

Send the connection_init Request

  • to get a connection_ack response
    "type": "connection_init",
    "payload": {}

For Authenticated Requests

  • include the api key in the payload of the connection_init request
    "type": "connection_init",
    "payload": {
    "X-API-KEY": "<your api key>"

Send a Subscription Request

  • use the format described in the GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol
  • need to paste the message in place of the connection_init message to continue using the same connection
    "id": "1",
    "type": "subscribe",
    "payload": {
    "query": "subscription { price( input: { amount: 100 amountCurrencyUnit: BTCSAT priceCurrencyUnit: USDCENT } ) { errors { message } price { base offset currencyUnit } }}",
    "variables": {}


  • Install with:

    • Linux (with a Rust toolchain installed)
      cargo install websocat
    • MacOS
      brew install websocat
  • Connect to the websocket endpoint

    websocat ${websocket_endpoint} -H 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: graphql-transport-ws' -v

Usage without Authentication

  • Send the connection_init request for non-authenticated requests

    { "type": "connection_init", "payload": {} }
  • price subscription message

    { "id": "1", "type": "subscribe", "payload": {  "query": "subscription { price( input: { amount: 100 amountCurrencyUnit: BTCSAT priceCurrencyUnit: USDCENT } ) { errors { message } price { base offset currencyUnit } }}",  "variables": {} }}
  • realtimePrice subscription message

    { "id": "2", "type": "subscribe", "payload": { "query": "subscription realtimePrice($input: RealtimePriceInput!) { realtimePrice(input: $input) { realtimePrice { id btcSatPrice { base offset } } errors { code message path } }}", "variables": { "input": { "currency": "USD" } } }}

Example Output

  • websocat ${websocket_endpoint} -H 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: graphql-transport-ws' -v
    [INFO websocat::lints] Auto-inserting the line mode
    [INFO websocat::stdio_threaded_peer] get_stdio_peer (threaded)
    [INFO websocat::ws_client_peer] get_ws_client_peer
    [INFO websocat::ws_client_peer] Connected to ws
    { "type": "connection_init", "payload": {}}
    { "id": "1", "type": "subscribe", "payload": { "query": "subscription { price( input: { amount: 100 amountCurrencyUnit: BTCSAT priceCurrencyUnit: USDCENT } ) { errors { message } price { base offset currencyUnit } }}", "variables": {} }}
    [INFO websocat::ws_peer] Received WebSocket ping
    { "id": "2", "type": "subscribe", "payload": { "query": "subscription realtimePrice($input: RealtimePriceInput!) { realtimePrice(input: $input) { realtimePrice { id btcSatPrice { base offset } } errors { code message path } }}", "variables": { "input": { "currency": "USD" } } }}
    [INFO websocat::ws_peer] Received WebSocket ping

Authenticated Usage

  • Send the connection_init request for authenticated requests

    { "type": "connection_init", "payload": { "X-API-KEY": "blink_xxxx" } }
  • myUpdates subscription message

    { "id": "1", "type": "subscribe", "payload": { "query": "subscription { myUpdates { update { ... on LnUpdate { transaction { initiationVia { ... on InitiationViaLn { paymentHash } } direction } } } } }", "variables": {} }}
  • lnInvoicePaymentStatus subscription message

    { "id": "2", "type": "subscribe", "payload": { "query": "subscription LnInvoicePaymentStatus($input: LnInvoicePaymentStatusInput!) { lnInvoicePaymentStatus(input: $input) { status errors { code message path } }}", "variables": { "input": { "paymentRequest": "lnbc...." } } }}

Example Output

  • websocat ${websocket_endpoint} -H 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: graphql-transport-ws' -v
    [INFO websocat::lints] Auto-inserting the line mode
    [INFO websocat::stdio_threaded_peer] get_stdio_peer (threaded)
    [INFO websocat::ws_client_peer] get_ws_client_peer
    [INFO websocat::ws_client_peer] Connected to ws
    { "type": "connection_init", "payload": { "X-API-KEY": "blink_xxxx" } }
    [INFO websocat::ws_peer] Received WebSocket ping
    { "id": "1", "type": "subscribe", "payload": { "query": "subscription { myUpdates { update { ... on LnUpdate { transaction { initiationVia { ... on InitiationViaLn { paymentHash } } direction } } } } }", "variables": {} }}
    [INFO websocat::ws_peer] Received WebSocket ping
    { "id": "2", "type": "subscribe", "payload": { "query": "subscription LnInvoicePaymentStatus($input: LnInvoicePaymentStatusInput!) { lnInvoicePaymentStatus(input: $input) { status errors { code message path } }}", "variables": { "input": { "paymentRequest": "lntbs1220n1pjklpx5pp5wn0zrhygl8u8p7k5nggsa3hcj9htkk0t8df5mxm2hrumk5gedgwsdq0w3jhxapqd4jk6mccqzpuxqyz5vqsp566v7qag22wnl5spf3zhrfruxyaek5m3uv5pu4dzpwmffk6adykpq9qyyssq62exrk3zcwfeh9c0hnhlpv9lmn33fryz4l9acmq79myp57lgj29390tucf4rycxn3zxtre8fzuzs6acu0w4umuetu9zr04zusa56duspsmsxv5" } } }}
    [INFO websocat::ws_peer] Received WebSocket ping