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LNbits Funding Source

Since LNbits v0.12.9 Blink is available to be set as a funding source to serve the LNbits wallets and services.

How to Set Up

In the Super User Server Settings

  • get a Blink API key at Find more details about the Dashboard and API keys here.

  • log in as the LNbits super user

  • open the Server settings

    LNbits super user
  • choose Blink from the dropdown menu under Funding Sources - Active Funding (Requires server restart)

  • paste your API key to the Key field

    LNbits Funding Sources
  • restart LNbits

In the Terminal

  • alternatively can edit the LNbits .env file directly if have access to the terminal on the server
    • set:

    • restart LNbits to activate the new setting

Source Code

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